Monday, March 26, 2012

A Spring Unusual

The evening sun drifted through the pink magnolia blossoms. At first very pretty, till I see the wilted petals. A heavy frost warning tonight predicts the flowers will be brown, faded tomorrow afternoon. I look at the tight buds of my lilac and wonder if they will be affected. The paper reports the flowers bloomed a month early. I even glimpsed violets coming up through the cracks of my front step.
We had a run of summer, so unusual for a few weeks. We can get warm days, even a week in March, but this run lasted two, two and half weeks. It is not even that cold now. Just the normal temps appearing for this time of year. In two days, the degrees will be in the high sixties.
I was happy my magnolia tree had a fair run. So many years, it will just get to the peak, to be knocked down by a blizzard. The taste of summer brightened everyone's life, it seemed. The sun made the hardness of everything soften. The dullness of life disappearing for a while. The heaviness lifted with vibrant colors.
Tell me, how do you feel in spring?

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