Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday When I Have to Work

A few thoughts on a Sunday when I go out to work and have little time, but thoughts are bubbling as I scratch words on my notepad during church. I think since it is Youth Sunday, known by the excellent smell of sauce before I opened the door, the Youth are the church. (I can hardly wait for the pasta dinner after church.)
I get tired, in a way, of hearing the Youth are our future. No, they are the church now. If we could impart this more to the teens, they maybe would have more sense of belonging. Our teens give generously to Speed the Light, our Assemblies mission to get vehicles to missionaries that the Youth participate in.
Assemblies of God mission is Missions. As I think this morning how many missionaries have to fill positions of administration. Nursing also has the same problem. We go into this field to help people. In my case,  I wonder, do I help in small ways or big ways. One person at a time or a platform, is the dilemma. I disdain career climbing in nursing for myself, but I still want to be thought I'm able to do management. Well, maybe not management. I look at myself and know I love patient care, but we don't dare call the people "Patients" any more.
The thought that floated down as I thought of how many persons we reach was this: It's not how many lives you touch, it's how many lives God wants you to touch.
I struggle with significance. Writers feel this too. We want our words to mean something, to reach out, but we also want the numbers. I don't deny, I pray for a big platform. I look at my numbers, but try to ignore them at the same time. I had to stop myself last night from thinking writing would deliver me from my problems. No, God is my deliver.
Which led me to this morning and thinking I need to be in God's will. The sermon title was "God's Heartbeat" from the Great Commission- go into all the world and make disciples. My favorite part of that is "Lo, and I am with you always." God's heart beats for all to know Him. My job is to introduce as many people to Him as I can, but if that introduction is in small ways of tending wounds, placing someone on a bedpan or giving them a smile, as long as Jesus is with me, that is what matters. Wherever God goes, like Moses pleading with God in the desert, "Just let me be in Your presence," I want to be there. I haven't been moved from what I am doing, Jesus stay with me.
The pasta dinner tasted as delicious as it smelled. I love looking at our church of all ages. Press on.

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