Friday, October 18, 2013

A Dream Placed the Foot

I don't recommend relying on dreams to write, but when they do give you wonderful ideas, I say run with them. Tiny seeds flickered about my imagination for my novel I'll write next month for NaNoWriMo(National Novel Writing Month, in November). I even decided on a title, Last Free Exit.
I didn't have a plot or really even a story, just the time setting and that was it. This is the fun of NaNoWriMo. You fly by the seat of your pants to write a novel in thirty days. No inner editor questions the structure or results. I wasn't worried about the plan, as I anticipated the craziness of it all, reading the forums and attending write-in's. I plan to do it all and have been inviting local people to join me as I try to get a Shenango Valley group involved in crazy abandonment.
The other morning, a dream that explained the dream I had earlier, woke me. I knew then, this was the start of the novel for this creative month. I even bemoaned the fact it wasn't November first, yet. I sketched a few brief ideas, even though, I kept reviewing them over and over in my mind, that I thought I'd never forget. I couldn't sleep. I wrote down the ideas briefly so as to not break the rules that it must all be written in November. There is nothing about not having an outline, but the fun begins with spontaneity.
The dream placed my foot in the stir up for writing that I spoke about yesterday. I also say it put my goals in a new perspective. I probably won't finish Country this month. I hadn't been able to focus as much as I wanted on it as my nursing profession posed dilemmas. I faced many battles.
And tomorrow, I'll tell you why not finishing Country fits in a plan not of my own making.

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