Saturday, August 25, 2012

Feverish Dreams

I remain in the feverish haze. The two books I'm reading To Kill a Mockingbird, and The Re-Creation of Brian Kent, by Harold Bell Wright combined in a dream last night. Harold Bell Wright also wrote The Shepherd of the Hills, starting the Ozark, Branson, Missouri tourist industry. 
One day I glanced at our bookshelf and saw an old book with Wright on the spine. I pulled it out to see if it was by Harold Bell Wright. Sure was. But it was a regifting book as well. Tad gave it to Grandma Fisher, Hazel's maternal grandmother and she in turn gave it to Hazel. When I discovered it, I vowed to read it. Finally, I am. I don't know who Tad was. I know little about the Fishers.
Most are familiar with Harper Lee's classic. I'm thrilled at how much of it resonates with my mother's stories of the Depression. As with most books so much more detail than the movie, but I still hear the sound track as I read it.
Wright's story is about a man finding himself in the Ozarks. His theme for his books. Ministry being his profession, a spiritual tone in the archaic writing is more pronounced in this book. Yet the description of the mountain cabin and river running through the mountains takes me there every night as I read it.
The main character is returning to writing under the clean living of the hills after embezzling money to impress a sweetheart, who was not interested in his writing, since he made no money at it. He understands the river, desires and yet is repelled to write about it. He is fearful of rejection, again.
As I slept with my fever I had one of those clear, yet, I couldn't quite hang onto it, dreams with a message. Scout and Brian intertwined with a truth about writing. Something, like Scout is the story. I think I could have held it in my memory, if David hadn't let out a loud snort in his sleep that startled my twilight dream.
But story fills the page. The words support that alone. Whether it's Scout's story told fifty years later than Brian's, which, I'm guessing is Harold's story from the early 1900's. The author is part of the story in some way.

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