Sunday, August 12, 2012

Celebration of Marriage Continues

Phil and Katie tied the knot yesterday. We missed the actual ceremony- thank you Schuylkill traffic and not totally being prepared with driving instructions- so mostly my fault. They were even late for the wedding by fifteen minutes, so we heard.  A Lyon tradition. We got there thirty five minutes late, so were able to blow bubbles at them and get in the family picture.
The reception, elegant and fun, provided a long time to mingle. The shrimp cock tails offered in regular intervals delighted my husband. I love the fried ravioli and spring roll. The appetizers didn't run out and could have been the meal, but prime rib waited to be served. Ah, lovely with a broccoli and summer squash mix complementing the dish. Food intermixed with proceedings of the night. Andrew toasted first for his brother, wishing them many levels of happiness. Phil and Katie love computer games, they are admitted geeks, perfect for each other.
Next to our table a booth for crazy pictures was situated. We enjoyed all the hilarity of seeing the four pictures of the groups behind the black curtain with silly hats, poises and signs. Finally, my Katie, Mary Ellen and Hannah took their turn. Mike's five year old red haired girl begged to go in with anyone. Her younger brother joined her once and he picked up what to do right away, as he made a face, pointing at his sister.
Instead of throwing the bouquet, the couple dedicated it to Phil's grandparents, Kathy's parents, celebrating their sixty first anniversary the same day. So special to continue the tradition of marriage. Viva longevity. Yes, Ella Mae admits it is hard, but what were those vows they made so long ago? Oh, yes, in sickness and in health. And as you get older, more sickness than we can imagine starting out.
Or as I like to borrow, through sick and sin. We make it.
Along with the Mr. and Mrs. Pac Man wedding cake, an array of delectable cream puffs, cannolli, petet fores and two chocolate fountains topped the meal. Much dancing would be needed to work off the sampling here. I got my husband out on the dance floor as he not only won the toss the napkin game once, but twice.  The first time to win the centerpiece, which I had  Chris take to her mother, who was unable to attend. The second time he was to get all the table out on the dance floor. I jumped up, pulling him to Shout!
I told him no one was watching us, no one. He relaxed with the one dance. Then one more time for Wonderful Tonight.  I'm glad he danced. Thirty years, we celebrate, too, this year.
Viva Marriage!

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