From the first words, I knew this book would be so helpful, like a friend sitting down with you, explaining the business. I heard Mary a few years ago on WCRF/MoodyRadio/ Cleveland, being interviewed for her new book, then, Thin Places.Thin Places: A Memoir
I got on her e-mail list and about a year ago, before I finished my first story, she shared then how to query a book proposal and I printed it, feeling very insecure about the whole publishing process.
This e-book has all the information, encouragement and downfalls of the publishing world. Easy to read, yet technical in places, like the size font needed for different articles.
This is no rose color glass picture of writing. It is hard work, a hard business, years to pay your dues for sometimes little return. Except, if you have to write, this explains the stage, the play and the players. This leads you through the labyrinth of the publishing world. The most important nuggets I panned was first to write, write, write and then to always look for friends. Don't think of competition, but give back. Mary is a Christian and her lavishness shows this. I can't wait to meet her sometime at a writer's conference.
Mary has also suggested on giving away her book to someone who likes her facebook Just mention you read it about it on my blog.
Any writers would benefit from her experience. Take her up on this offer.The 11 Secrets of Getting Published
Still not good with this technical stuff. Sorry for the 2 frames!
Thank you for the post, though, Mollie!
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