Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Midsummer Blues

I could stay up, and I do, until midnight, and find myself waking before 530. I love the summer. I love the dewy, quiet mornings full of peace. I adore the evenings of lightning bugs and walkers, sunsets of vermilion. The lingering twilight of the midwest and imagine how much longer the evening is on the very border of the time zone. And the shadows just grow as the cool comes.
The hint that this can't go on forever and soon, too soon, will be over. The long sunlit days of endless opportunities overcrowded with too many commitments. The blues come from working in the heat, not soaking by a pool or lake or better yet the ocean. The energy slowly ebbing as the day goes on.
Ah, deep cool of an air conditioned room and the nap that is needed from short nights encourages me to carry on in the evening. Yet, like today, the extreme heat is too much for a walk, it has messed with my stomach.
Oh, to do everything, to relax and drift away on a raft or something like that.
I know summer can't last all year because of my desire to not miss a thing. All the delights of sunshine and not being able to dive into them all at once. How could a human live like this all the time? As much as I hate to confess this blue fact, we need rest. We need the seasons. Even when the weather doesn't turn as cold as here, like California, the daylight shortens, the shadows lengthen, giving us time to reflect in a different way, driving us into our homes.
I want to do it all, but I am only one person with limited resources. I take pleasure in nature, being with my family and indefatigable hours of summer. Why can't I have it all?

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