Sunday, February 23, 2014

Another Weekend

Oh, boy, another weekend with no time to write like I would. I work which makes it hard, time wise. I also was involved with travel on Saturday morning with the Teen Bible Quiz team my daughter and I coach. The last match of the season dawned wonderfully. Such early dawns, though, starting a day to travel an hour and half to Monroeville, arriving at nine in the morning. GPS took us away from the church, that is visible from the Pennsylvania Turnpike, setting off a delay, but Katie made up a song about following our youth pastor, Pastor Mike, that lightened my anxiety. The kids did well for as much as they practice and came away encouraged. On to next season in a few months, I breath relief that we are not doing the district, regional and national level this year. But wait till next year!
Today, with sleeping in, I found myself in surprise at the worship at church. I came not expecting. Those are usually the times I am filled. The sermon challenged, read the stories of Jesus. Retell them to the lost lamb, he only wandered off. Love them back to church brought tears to my eyes.
Now, I'm writing with one hand, as I eat lunch before I hurriedly get ready for my shift in less than an hour. Last weekend, I didn't have internet connection as I spent the time in the Poconos in two feet of snow. I let my husband drive and the library was closed, so I didn't ask him to sit somewhere while I wrote. I'll write about this weekend another time, too. Ah, the ideas swirl waiting for time.
Now, I have to go love some lambs.

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