Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Teddy Memorial Tuesday

Yes, I've changed the name but continue the same cause: to raise awareness of child abuse and to encourage all of us to report anything that seems suspicious. I ran across a new face book page by accident the other day. Teddy's godmother started it.
Teddy's mother isolated her children from the extended family. Teddy's story breaks my heart. It can so easily happen at any time.
So I didn't get permission to share any photos from the page. I do suggest you look at it and like it to keep informed as to how you may help. I pray always Teddy's shortened life will not be in vain. I know the reaction, the first time I heard the news on the radio comes with purpose. Wake up and save the children. Keep eyes opened and report abuse.

child help hot line- 800 422 4453

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