Sunday, December 31, 2017

2018 Word/Picture Reveal

When all else fails, write something new. 2017 found me floundering and faltering with my works in progress, as well as my blog posting. I was not consistent. I battled fear, self doubt and deciding who is my audience. Fatigue with adjusting to being a case managing after five years pushed me into the couch at night.
No excuses, I am finding my new way. God promised me abundance with nursing and writing in the fall of 2016. I had my word picture of 2017 as “Dream.” I followed my dreams, but also knew work precedes dream fulfillment. I found I needed sleep. Oftentimes dreams pushed away at the slight twitter of my eye lids by worry. I couldn't remember them in morning light.
December brightened the dream of my published writing. I sold more books in this month than the whole year. My health, after long years of an annoyance with my gut, is straightening out. Yes, I had the dreaded tests and found out not much is wrong with me. Metamucil twice a day returned me to less doubt of going out and helps me with energy I lacked, for too long.
With confidence, I reveal my word/picture for 2018. And more than confidence; hope, can-do spirit and determination bubble up from my soul. I haven't felt like this looking at a new year in a long time. It is more than resolution. It feels ordained, if I dare write that word.
My word is Glory. And as with most ideas a person hops on, I see it everywhere and I have been using it in many correspondence since I decided in mid December that was my word. I read it in my Bible every morning. My devotions will bring it in to the day. Not that glory is an unusual word, but I listened to a motivational podcast today where he mentioned how we think, we see. An example my husband and I have noticed for a long time, once you buy a car or even think of getting a certain model, suddenly, they are everywhere in your vision.
I see myself writing. I have the scenes coming to me again, as I rest. Words for poetry returned this week. I declare I will write on my novels without hesitation. This is more than wishful thinking. I am bolstered by the events of the past few days.
I boiled down my mission one morning this week. It is to touch people with Jesus. My privilege with two careers helps. I witnessed the two intermingling. Verbal reviews of my novels tell me they affect readers. I must press on with both nursing and writing, together. And I know I am supplied for both with Jesus' riches in glory.
2018 will be filled with Glory. Everything I do will be for the glory of God. Colossians 3:4  And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all His glory.

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