Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Team Teddy Tuesday


This link goes with what I had been writing about- to protect our children. Even other kids can abuse children. Bullying is a buzzword today as well. Build up your own children in their self worth, so they will not fall victim to outside abuse.
We can't always be with our children as they venture out into this world. Safety teaching, firm morals and our prayers can help them as they encounter tangles of this society. I realize some parents, through divorce, are part time custodial, but you can always pray for God's protection.
I attended an old saint's funeral yesterday. The testimonies of her life put to mind my parents and the home they raised us in. A hymn sung at my mother's funeral came to mind, A Christian Home, lyrics by Barbara B. Hart and music Jean Sibelius.
Words from the first verse speak of what I want to convey- every child is taught His love and favor. How sweet to know that though his footsteps waver, his faithful Lord is walking by his side. 
Let's bolster our children to be strong in the world they occupy. And all the children you come in contact, give that encouraging smile. Let them know you are a safe haven, if they need help.  Be there for children.

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