Friday, November 14, 2014

Wonder of Childhood

From the files 12/2/11:
Baltimore Emma and I started this conversation on Sunday in the upstairs front bedroom of my in-laws' home. Children can see things few adults can. The world of magic, the "other" world. I have been thinking of many examples of this. Jesus said, "You must be like a little child..."
It is very easy to believe when one's a child. And I do think they are closer to the Truth than the adults hurrying and weighed down with cares of this world. The first snow fills a child with wonder, but as an adult, we think of the dangers and discomfort.
Christmas excitement overflows in a child's mind and body. How do they ever fall asleep on Christmas Eve? I can still hear the reindeer hooves on the house top from when I was six. If my brother and his friend Billy wanted me to go to bed, that was the wrong thing to say for me to sleep on Christmas Eve. I think I did go upstairs, but sleep eluded me.
J.M. Barrie had the idea that twelve was when childhood ended, but he lived his childhood other world called Neverland, sharing it with us. Children even then, grew up much too fast.
I know there is world close by that is not what we see. It is often in the Bible. In 2 Kings 6:16 and 17, Elisha prayed that his servant's eyes would be opened to see the heavenly hosts. We may entertain angels unawares.
I pray that we keep that childhood wonder and that like Elisha's servant, our eyes may be opened to the glory of God.

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