Saturday, September 28, 2013

Not a Book Review

I started reading C.S. Lewis' book Out of the Silent Planet the other day. I'm not far into it. I had read it before thirty one years ago. I love reading something that the first time I read as very young, then with experience I can understand it more.
Out of the Silent Planet is the first in Lewis' space trilogy. I believe as I remember it, I enjoyed the last one the most because Merlin makes an appearance in that book. I shall find out. My sister-in-law gave this set to her brother in an effort to convert him. David loves science fiction and Lewis is Christian. Only thing with my husband, he doesn't read books given to him. He's funny that way with his subtle contrariness.
Out of the Silent Planet starts simple enough with a traveler in the English countryside. The first time I read this, my only experience with English countryside was movies and a remark made by some friends of an exchange student visiting us when I was fourteen. These young ladies explored America during the bicentennial year with discounted bus passes. They stopped over in West Middlesex at Mother and Father Lewis' because the house on Main Street always had room.
My father, the eternal tour guide, loved to drive around our beautiful area. He introduced them to an  Amish business, the man who made a hope chest for my sister, and on down to Volant. Outside of New Wilmington, on State Route 208, with the rolling hills and not as many houses as today, the young women remarked that area looked like the English countryside. So movies and Lawrence County were my reference to that domain when I first read C. S. Lewis' novel.
This time as I ventured into the book again, I had Mildenhall England in Suffolk in my mind. On our trip to Scotland, we stopped there to look into MAC flights home and buy some American postage, I believe. We happened onto a bigger bed and breakfast or a smaller motel, I can't quite remember. The owners had pity or maybe they just saw American dollars, but even though they had no regular rooms, they put us up in a servants' room. I felt quite charmed by the authentic feel, rather than another motel room. The room possessed an English feel with over stuffed chairs, lumpy bed and coziness. Maybe Farewell to Arms came to my mind then. I know, that wasn't in England, but a foreign land nonetheless. We were only married four years so the feel remained romantic. Heck, I think even now, I would be charmed by this room. The whole two weeks wandering around the British Isle filled my head with enchantment.
Reading the first pages of this book called back the enchantment I felt then. I strive to do that with my writing. I hope I can take readers to places, whether physical or emotional. Again, though, I have to make seat time with my writing. This weekend I plan a lot of seat time, as well as walk time with Harrison. Oh, glorious weekend.,_Pennsylvania,_Lawrence_County,_Pennsylvania

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