Friday, July 6, 2012


I'm going to take a break from the summer stories to write about what I love-writing. I am, according to most wisdom I read, going about this in the wrong way, but I feel I must follow my heart and limitations. Writing magazine articles is the grunt work before book writing, I read over and over. I did have some ideas, but with working full time as a home health nurse, that feels like I never leave the job, to do research for short pieces is a difficulty.
Not only research for the article, but also how it is to be formatted. That scares me more than developing an idea and piece. What does a particular magazine require? Yikes! That is so intimidating to me. I loved writing feature articles for the school newspaper in high school, but we just had to write-in long hand for me. The teacher edited and the printer had the format.
So, I do hope to get some magazine articles written. I have to tour O'Neil Coffee. Thought I'd do it on my vacation, but time has run out. This is a vacation to rest for me. I hope before the summer is over, I will have that together for a food and/or travel magazine or two.
Yesterday, I wrote 2661 words on the latest novel on which I'm cutting my teeth. I'm almost to the end, which I believe is why writing came so easily. I do have the conclusion in sight, which makes a story tell itself. I'm actually pretty excited about this story.
My plans include submitting my first story to Re-Write Conference contest. A chance to be published by Tyndale House. That deadline is August 1. Again, it is figuring out the format to submit the writing to the contest. I will get help today. Maybe, I'll be in San Diego in September- keep praying for me and my writing.
My love is the story and I think writing magazine articles is more nonfiction. I love writing on this blog. I do wonder how to increase readership. Mary Ellen and I decided the author has to have an agenda, like visiting all the plaques on the roadside of a state, or cooking their way through a cookbook- oh, that has been done. She notices that method on Tumblar, which is a picture blog.
Tomorrow I will post my vacation pictures if they are any good. I will write about our mini vacation in northwest Pennsylvania. I must agree with Uncle Bill, who traveled the world over, there is no place more beautiful than our state.

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